Welcome to our class page!


Blue Class

Blue Class are a Year 5/6 class taught by Mr Palk. We are supported by our HLTA, Miss Birch, who also covers PPA.



Email Mr Palk - blue.class@victoria-jun.leeds.sch.uk


Here is the newsletter for this half term.


Feeling worried? Want to chat? Send a message to our virtual worry-box and let us know what's happening! - worrybox@victoria-jun.leeds.sch.uk

Meet the Teacher meeting

Meet the teacher is at 6PM at 12th Septemer






Our first Maths topic is...


We will be looking at Place Value of numbers up to 100,000 (Year 5) and 10,000,000 (Year 6)



In English, we will be creating a diary entry inspired by Rose Blanch.

We will focus on using 'Boomtastics' as well as implementing technical vocabulary. 



Our first topic is...

World War II

Complete research at home to gain Enquiry stickers!




The following PE times should be noted:

Monday pm

Thursday pm

Please ensure that your child wears a suitable PE kit and trainers to school on these days.

Welcome to our class page!


Blue Class

Blue Class are a Year 5/6 class taught by Mr Palk. We are supported by our HLTA, Miss Birch, who also covers PPA.



Email Mr Palk - blue.class@victoria-jun.leeds.sch.uk


Here is the newsletter for this half term.


Feeling worried? Want to chat? Send a message to our virtual worry-box and let us know what's happening! - worrybox@victoria-jun.leeds.sch.uk

Meet the Teacher meeting

Meet the teacher is at 6PM at 12th Septemer






Our first Maths topic is...


We will be looking at Place Value of numbers up to 100,000 (Year 5) and 10,000,000 (Year 6)



In English, we will be creating a diary entry inspired by Rose Blanch.

We will focus on using 'Boomtastics' as well as implementing technical vocabulary. 



Our first topic is...

World War II

Complete research at home to gain Enquiry stickers!




The following PE times should be noted:

Monday pm

Thursday pm

Please ensure that your child wears a suitable PE kit and trainers to school on these days.