Reading at Victoria 


At Rothwell Victoria we believe that reading is an essential life skill and we support our pupils in becoming confident, lifelong readers. We believe that reading is a skill that enables children to develop learning across the curriculum. Our reading curriculum is progressive and has a consistent approach across school to the teaching of reading. Gaps in learning are targeted so to attain the highest possible number of children achieving expected standards. 



As our children enter the school at Year 3 we screen them for phonics, those children who do not pass the screening then undertake the Rapid Phonics scheme, working through the phases. Children's reading is also supported through a book band system from Book Life. To ensure that children are reading book appropriate to their level a screening is completed. Reading lessons follow a rigorous and consistent approach which enables children to work on fluency, expression, vocabulary and comprehension. Within these lessons high quality texts are used and these texts are carefully mapped to the topics so to build knowledge and understanding with practicing reading skills. Children also have the opportunity to read for pleasure and listen to their teacher read everyday. We promote regular home reading through the engagement of planners with parents and prize draws in Celebration Assembly, there is support for those children who need further reading practice. 



Our curriculum gives children the opportunity to enter a range of worlds which reading opens up to them and further develop their love of reading. Rapid Phonics enables children to develop their reading fluency and in turn to better access the curriculum. Children are prepared for the next stage of their education.