Orange Class is a Year 6 class taught by Miss Hollick.
Please remember Orange Class that your email address is
Your email address is the same as your Google Classroom Login
Our first topic will be Earth and Space. We will be exploring wthe planets in our solar system and much more.
We will begin our Maths learning with Place Value and then move onto the 4 operations.
In English, we will be exploring a range of genres such as non-chronological reports and biographies.
Homework will be set online through Google Classroom and will run Friday to Friday. It will consist of English and Maths (which will be set by the maths group teacher) where details of each task will be on Google Classroom. Please let your teacher know if you need paper copies.
Spelling lists will be sent via paper copies. The children will be tested every Tuesday afternoon.
Please ensure that your child is reading at home too. Children are required to read twice a week and reading records will be checked on a Monday or Thursday.
Learn by Hearts will be set by the childs' Maths teacher. These are factual based and need to be learn in order for a small test. These will be sent home once every 2 weeks as the aim is to improve their score.
Times Table Rockstars can be used as extra to learn their times tables in order to find the weekly times table champion.
The following PE times should be noted:
Please ensure that your child comes to school on these days in their PE kit and trainers. PE will be a mixture of indoor and outdoor learning so the children need to have suitable clothing for the weather.
We will begin the year looking at our personal skills.