Yellow Class
Welcome to Yellow Class's page!
Yellow class is a Year 3 and 4 mixed class with 31 Pupils, tuaght by Miss Aveyard and Mr Broadbent
Our email address is
The children can access their emails through Microsoft Office 365. Their email is
Currently our Topic is the Romans and the children are really enjoying finding out about this fascinating civlisation
Spelling are available on google classroom. If you require a paper copy, please inform school.
Links to Online Activities: - Times Table Rockstars
_________________ - Bug Club (reading)
Useful Websites:
Place value maths games:
Times tables:
Children can use TTRockstars to get extra help with learning their times tables. They can battle each other and set personal challenges in order to recall their times tables faster.
Every week we focus on a times table and the children will get the chance to battle for TT Champion.
The children also have a times table book in school
Google Interland Game about online safety:
Yellow class have PE on Monday and Tuesday. On these days, children should attend school in their PE kits. Swimming is on Wednesday afternoons for the Year 4 children. Boys should come with their trunks underneath their school uniform and girls will change at school.
Homework is given each Friday and X table tests are done every day of the week in their times tables books.
Children will be tested on their spellings on a Friday and given new spellings for the next week.
Reading books and planners should be signed by adults and presented on Mondays and Thursdays.
Maths homework - This is set on Mathletics every Friday to be completed on the following Friday.
English homework - This is set on Google Classroom every Friday to be completed on the following Friday.
This week's Learn By Hearts:
Learn by hearts are available on google classrooms. If you require a paper copy, please let school know.
Please note, that Learn By Heart facts are now tested on a Thursday and changed every other week.
This links to our history, geography and English units of work.
The children will be carrying on some transition work begun at Cockburn Haigh Road before moving onto a unit based on the text "The Egyptian Cinderella".
This half term will be focusing on place value as well as addition and subtraction.
In science, we will be focusing on forces and magnets.
Art: .
In art, the children will be completing art work based on Mattice. They will be focusing on observational drawing and printing.
In Music, we will be focusing on the soul/gospel song ‘Lean on me’ by Bill Withers. The children will have the opportunity to listen and appraise the music as well as play games to help them develop their sense of rhythm and timing.
In French, the Year 3s will be starting a new French scheme which focuses on phonics, vocabulary and grammar.
We will be looking at starting the school council before moving onto to work related to bullying.
During our computing sessions, the children will be focusing on Esafety and how to use systems such as emails and Google Classrooms.
Religion and World Views:
In RE, the Year 3 children will be focusing on Christianity. They will be investigating the question ‘What do Christians believe about a good life? ‘